Thursday, 21 April 2011

A Night at the M(T)useum…


So,  there we were, James and I, on our first night in Greifensee, just south of Zurich in Switzerland, in town for 3 days of ‘learning workshops’ at the invitation of the METTLER TOLEDO Corporate Communications team. The evening had begun at a local restaurant as a pleasant ‘meet and greet’, getting to know the MT Corp Comms personalities, enjoying some great food and, of course, a few small tinctures.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

The Train is Leaving The Station

2011 is going to be another ambitious ‘learning year’ for Idealogy. January was Appraisal time and the process threw-up a wide range of individual training requirements, from Confidence improvements all the way through to more conventional HTML skills development. So, another full training program begins for a business that takes its Personnel development role very seriously.

But perhaps the most significant step for the business has been a LEADERSHIP AND BEHAVIOURAL residential event, coordinated by MTA Consulting, and attended by the Idealogy Management Team in mid-February, which focused on 21st Century methods for harnessing leadership, team-building, responsibility and behaviour as the energy to drive the business forward.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Another Level (not the boy-band silly… it’s Idealogy’s new space)

So a couple of months back we told you that we were about to embark on creating a new Level here at Idealogy Towers. Now it’s not to describe our office as a shanty-town house, where a new corrugated iron floor is added to accommodate an ever-expanding family – but it is to say that the top floor here that up until recently had all kinds of junk in it, is now home to our great new breakout area.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Seeing others as they see themselves

During a recent Workshop with the Kenwood NPD Team, held during February at The Langstone on Hayling Island, Idealogy set the team a simple but often controversial task.

“Draw a picture of somebody (anybody) and focus on the single most distinguishing feature of that person”. It’s a tried and trusted technique for defining group characteristics and dynamics and, as most amateur psychologists will tell you, a picture is worth a thousand words and provides as good a reflection of personality as your handwriting ever can – assuming, of course, that we actually understand handwriting!