Thursday, 19 May 2011

The Walk the Walk London Moonwalk 2011 - one night, one very good cause and a great sense of achievement

After a pasta picnic for 14,000, some very funny warm ups and a minutes silence all hand in hand, we set off on our 26.2 mile walk through London. Here we were again having first completed it back in 2008, it couldn’t be that tough… could it?

We left the Moonwalk tent at 23.40 and set our pace. There was a real party atmosphere, lots of chatter and nervous laughter and the first few miles went by in a flash. In no time we had passed Buckingham Palace, gone on up through Hyde Park Corner and St James Park and were heading for the Victoria Embankment.

Walking along the Thames at night is always lovely and despite the gusts of chilly wind the mood was good and we walked on towards Tower Hill. Even a frustrating 25 minute queue for the loo didn’t dampen the spirits and crossing Tower Bridge was a real highlight.

More miles and more London landmarks, we passed The Globe Theatre and Tate Modern then caught site of the London Eye, bright blue against the night sky.

At 11 miles the Half Mooners left us and despite the enormity of the task ahead hitting home, we were really glad to be carrying on. We walked briskly on into the wind along the Albert Embankment and as we came up to cross Vauxhall Bridge, we remembered the emotional hugs with Sarah Dover who had been stewarding three years before. Yes Sarah, we were daft enough to do it again!

We reached the half way mark just before crossing Battersea Bridge and entering the Park realized just how light it had become – the birds were singing and the stewards (our motivational life savers) had started cheerfully wishing us ‘Good morning’.

Just then my phone rang again and my lovely hubby Toby, who had driven up to support us on route and pick up and take home whatever pieces of us were left, said he was parked not far ahead. He had cunningly positioned himself beneath a giant film poster of ‘Captain Jack Sparrow’ – what more inspiration did a girl need to pick up the pace!

Miles 16 – 23 were harder than I remembered and I could feel blisters coming up on my right foot. But there was no stopping now – every step we took, took us a step nearer the end. Come on we can do this!!!

The final couple of miles really were the best. The sun was shining, we were grinning ear to ear and there were lots of people to encourage our final few steps. With more than a few weary and emotional tears in our eyes we very, very proudly indeed crossed the finish line. We had done it!!! 

Writing this blog has given me the opportunity to congratulate the other ‘pink hand gang’ girls – well done ladies, to quietly relive a fantastic night that I am truly proud of and to thank a few people too.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me so generously with donations and good wishes. To Toby for being there in the early hours with a big smile and jaffa cakes. To my sister (a Moonwalk veteran herself) who knew the pitfalls and called us throughout the night to keep spirits high. However, my biggest thank you, has to go to my Moonwalking buddy Karen, I couldn’t have done it without her. She gave me motivation when I needed it and we laughed a lot, even when the going was painful and tough. Thank you KB for agreeing to join me yet again and yes I agree… the next challenge is a ‘sponsored spa weekend’!

My 2011 Moonwalk stats:

• Training: around 180 miles
• Start time: 23.40.00
• Loo queue time: approx 30 mins
• End time: 08.01.05
• Blisters: 2 horrible ones!
• Aches and pains 2 days on: None – really! No... I can’t believe it either!

Posted by Anna E

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