Monday, 23 November 2009

Mettler Toledo Product Inspection. Getting up close and personal by using Microsites as the hub for Integrated Campaign communications.

Frequently Asked Question! What is a Microsite?

Wikipedia says “an individual web page or cluster of pages which are meant to function as an auxiliary supplement to a primary website. The microsite's main landing page most likely has its own domain name or subdomain. They are typically used to add a specialized group of information either editorial or commercial”. Nice!

Idealogy’s take on the ubiquitous microsite is that it provides a powerful but intimate communications hub for integrated communications campaigns and our client Mettler Toledo Product Inspection Division have chosen it as the tactical heart of each of their Technology, Product or Service based forays into B2B marketing.

Working effectively alongside Mettler Toledo’s PI SBU Marcomms teams with development schedules often in days and weeks rather than months, Idealogy have used compelling imagery and content to build a series of highly functional microsites that utilise animation, web-enabled information links, with publication downloads, product technical data and offer-based incentives for database refreshing. It’s a  combination that has been used successfully on a number of key Mettler Toledo marketing events;

Glass in Glass Inspection
Harsh Environment
and Ready Meals

Each microsite provides a vivid shop window for Mettler Toledo’s broad technical offering, covering their X-ray systems, Metal Detection and Checkweighing capabilities, and linking disparate techniques in a seamless, totally integrated and multi-lingual way. Conventional campaign tools like PR, Direct Mail, Brochures, Advertising and E-mail releases are used to drive traffic to the microsite domains. And the concept is working. Visitor numbers and lead generation are significantly up on more conventional marketing routes and the microsite, as a cornerstone of Mettler Toledo Product Inspection’s communications strategy, looks like it is here to stay.

Posted by Paul Wright

Friday, 20 November 2009

Wing UK. Onwards, upwards, online, out there!

Wing UK is a nationwide service provider for the Care Industry, and a brand totally committed to offering its Customers a first class experience. As a division of Millbrook Industries’ Ultimate Care Group, Wing works alongside the NHS, Social Services, Mobility Retailers, Internet Retailers, Direct Sales Companies and High Street Retailers by providing Direct Delivery, Repairs, Servicing, Decontamination and PAT and Loler Training from it’s 4 UK locations in Southampton, Barnsley, Ayr and Cookstown in Northern Ireland.

In the early Summer of 2009, Idealogy were asked to provide a new brand name and logo for this important Nationwide Care Service provider, which in turn has developed into vehicle livery, product and care labelling, commercial stationery, collateral, and now a contemporary, CMS based online presence which speaks directly to Wing’s 3 key UK customer groups – Care Customers, Network Engineers and Care Retailers.

The site itself – - is a bright and optimistic web environment, designed to communicate quality, confidence and reassurance to all site visitors. Supported by the strapline ‘Onwards and Upwards’ and some eye-catching visual themes, Wing UK is all set to become the largest direct delivery and service provider for the UK Care Industry.

For more information about the website contact Simon Johnson at Idealogy, Southampton, 02380211642

Posted by Simon Johnson

Thursday, 12 November 2009

“Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.”

One of the blessings (or is it a curse?) of being the Operations Director for a Branding Consultancy like Idealogy, is that you never know what the day will throw at you.

But whatever it is, you'd better be ready!

Paul Wright has had 20 years of being ready, and the one constant is that, around his robust flexibilty, “…the times they are a changing!”.

20 years ago the marketing and communications landscape was one of brochures and trade shows and stationery and press advertising. Today, that landscape is full of terms like websites, experiential and ambient media, e-campaigns, social media, customer experience and the ‘B’ word.

So how does someone like Paul deal with that kind of far-reaching change? After all, it’s not as if he can just transfer the skills of one era and transplant them into the current milieu. For Paul, his greatest asset is his matter-of-fact approach to all things – ‘let’s not get excited here!’. And it’s a mindset that has served both him and the business well.

Whatever the question, whatever the challenge, his unruffled perspective keeps projects on the rails, long after many of us would have jumped off the train. His ability to combine a generation of traditional production skills with the competencies required to deliver complex multi-media projects is a lesson in sangfroid – he remains composed and self-assured under extreme pressure.

Which brings us neatly to our headline.

Paul’s attitude to his changing universe is one of crushing inevitability. Just don’t ask him difficult questions when he’s trying to get a can of drink out of a machine. It’s surprising how quickly that calm veneer crumbles. And the language isn’t far behind.

Pepsi anyone?

Posted by Idealogy