Monday, 11 July 2011

My wife's a loose woman!

Some strange things have been happening to the rhythm of my weekend life. Saturdays have always been a better day than Sundays because we get out and do things. Sundays have always been for doing the stuff you need to do before you go back to work on Monday – but not anymore.

For the last month, my wife has been disappearing for 2-3 hours in the middle of the day without a why, where or a thank you. I’ve tried asking questions but, to date, little information has been forth coming. I’ve even tried asking my daughter if she knew where her Mum had been going, but she seemed none the wiser – either innocently or as part of a cover up.

What’s been even more interesting is that the questions have been coming back in equal measure. “Who can I put on the dartboard of shame this week?” Which is a strange thing to be asked when you don’t play the arrows. Or, “I need a final thought for the day!” What, on a Saturday?

So, with my keenest senses all firing blanks I needed to dig a bit deeper. I started listening in on phone calls, checking conversations out on Facebook – real clandestine stuff. And what I discovered both shocked and thrilled me.

My wife, Sarah is, apparently a radio star. Well, more of an Internet star actually (no, not that kind!). She’s one of the main contributors on a show on Vectis Radio, an Internet radio station on the Isle of Wight. Each Saturday between 12 and 2pm she is one of the key ladies (in a Loose Women kind of stylie) on a show called Sue and the Gosettes.

Who’d have thought it? Certainly not me! So now that the cat is out of the proverbial bag, there’s been a further shift in our day-to-day rhythm. We spend a lot of time talking about what she’s going to talk about…

So, when you come to think about it, nothing has changed. Not really!

Posted by Simon Dover

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