Monday, 9 July 2012

Why you should have a mobile site

Why you should have a mobile site alongside your 'normal' site

I was recently asked why someone needed a mobile site - a few quick points came to mind, no great presentation, just some bullet facts.

  1. Consider your audience – Smartphone usage is increasing every day and users want to see a site optimised for their viewing device. There are 4 mobile phones for every PC in the world with 60% having web access and 45% using it to browse sites. Do your stats show you have visitors on these devices?
  2. Consider your marketplace – Are your intended markets high users of Smartphone devices?
  3. Consider function – Is your site, or parts of it well suited to being mobile? Would it be used?
  4. Consumer expectations – Consumers are now expecting big brands to deliver them content in multiple formats. 68% of consumers prefer to visit a mobile site over a desktop one.

  5. Technical solution – A well thought out solution would potentially allow the site not just to be mobile but also move to other platforms in the future based on its success.

  6. Drive success – A mobile site can increase traffic substantially (10-15%) by giving users both options rather than just the desktop version. 
  7. Search rankings – Having a mobile site gives you dual opportunities for rankings and as things move forward you can take advantage of this. 

I’m sure there are many more points but these were the ones which came to mind quickly.

Posted by Simon J

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