To be honest, the very mention of the words ‘Best Practice’ sends many SMEs diving for cover. So many of the processes that smaller organisations employ are so intimate and so cultural it’s hard to change direction and attitudes.
But what exactly does Best Practice mean? Well, here’s a starter for 10…
“A method, process or technique that consistently produces superior results to those that are being, or can be, achieved through conventional means or personal style, and that can be used as benchmark procedures that we can all learn from and interpret into our own management tools.”
Are we clear yet?
Well, to make things a little clearer for the business to grasp, Idealogy will focus on 9 components, with a 10th overriding philosophy sitting at the heart of everything we do. And here they are: -
1. Leadership
2. Roles, Responsibilities and Behaviours
3. Project Management
4. Business Processes
5. Communication
6. HR
7. Relationship Development & Management
8. Supply Chain Management
9. Networking
10. Good Governance
What we’ve also decided is that this will be a 2-year program, with 6-monthly evaluation and course-correction to keep each process on line and fit for purpose. Champions are in place to take each element forward (some poor people have more than one!) and we are excited about the combined effect on the business.
We’ve only just begun (good name for a song!) so this is the first of many updates over the coming months.
We look forward to telling you about our successes.
Posted by Simon Dover
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