Friday, 14 February 2014

Our 25 year love affair with Adobe...

Having used Adobe's software for the best part of 25 years, the technical bods at Idealogy are always interested in any releases they make - be it design or development software. And Adobe certainly haven't disappointed with the comprehensive range of new tools released over the last 12 months.

Here's a brief rundown of our favourite offerings of the last year:

·     Edge Reflow is a 'Responsive web design tool', which simplifies designing for multiple screen sizes and devices. It can be used to gauge how layouts will adapt and to create quick User Experience prototypes and mock-ups

·     Edge Animate is a timeline based animation tool that basically does what Flash used to do, but uses HTML5, CSS and Javascript. It also has the added benefit of working on iOS devices like the iPad and iPhone (unlike Flash)…

·     Edge Code is a new generation code editor, which includes features such as code hinting and coloring for HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You can quickly edit multiple files without switching between windows and the resulting web page can be previewed instantly

·     Edge Inspect is a neat piece of software that lets multiple devices connected to it display any web page that you are browsing when using Google Chrome on your desktop. The devices are updated immediately so the developer can see how any code change made to a page is reflected in a certain device…in real time.

And last, but by no means least,

·     PhoneGap Build is a tool that lets developers build native apps for multiple devices using HTML5, CSS and Javascript.
This cuts down on development time by re-using existing web development skills, frameworks and tools and provides all the benefits of cross-platform development while building apps that target iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry 5/6/7 and webOS all with a single code base.

You then upload to the Adobe PhoneGap Build cloud service where the app is compiled for you

With technology changing and evolving faster than ever at the moment, it’s important for us to keep our finger on the digital pulse to ensure we can offer you the latest products for what you need. But worry not, we’ve got our ears to the ground just to make sure we’re ahead of the game…

All images found on Google. No offense or copyright infringement intended. Images can be removed if requested by originator.

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