I'm fully aware (as we all are) that I'm growing older. Not a lot, but a bit, and enough to shift interests a little. Don't pretend it isn't happening to you either - you used to like clubbing, and now you prefer ‘a bottle of wine in front of The X Factor’. You used to like energetic, adrenaline-fuelled sports, and now you prefer ‘a bottle of wine in front of The X Factor’.
But here's what's worrying me – the other night, I turned off the football for ‘Masterchef -The Professionals’. Now, it was England, and it was pretty much the sporting equivalent of watching my own hair grow (that's changing too, but I'd rather not talk about that at the moment), but even so... MASTERCHEF?
So, either England are simply not entertaining enough to hold the attention of a young and excitement-hungry mind like mine, or I am actually getting old and would rather learn how to quenelle my ice-cream. I spent an evening thinking about this predicament (with a bottle of wine in front of The X Factor) and decided this...
The definition of ‘cool’ is changing, not me. These days, cooking is way cooler than football.
So there, I'm still cool - in fact I'm right on it.
Panic over, slippers on, and back to my bottle of wine in front of The X Factor.
Posted by Nick Hart
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