The new technology, new challenges and the inevitable new sales initiatives that follow can leave budget holders completely bewildered.
In the nineties, we had the branding explosion; every design and advertising practitioner became a brand expert overnight. Some thoroughly poor advice was given and impractical ideas were implemented as a result of an industry eager to please and over-position itself.

It began with the .com Crash and is now being followed by the .app Olympics!
The cloud and the airwaves are full of digital opinion. In the end, it will all come down to finding the role digital can play most effectively for your business, treating data as currency, prioritising your spend and setting realistic return-on-investment measures.
Let’s not forget we’re all rats in a giant lab being tested for behavioural trends daily. The textbooks have been burnt and the traditional ‘line’ has eroded, which means we have to come up with our own opinions based on continually evolving insights and a staunch commitment to innovation.
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