Monday, 8 July 2013

Doing it doggy style

As part of our BrandPrint process we often ask clients to align themselves with other brands. It’s a great way to establish their brand personality and where their ‘territory’ lies. 

It’s not always an easy task and it certainly prompts much discussion and healthy debate!

So to further our understanding; on some level anyway, what it is we are asking them to do, we turned the tables on ourselves.

If you were a dog, what breed would you be?

We looked at all of the Idealogy team in turn and made our carefully considered selection. Then we ducked and ran!!

Can you guess who’s who?

The answers…

1.    Chris
2.    Darryl
3.    Richard
4.    Charlotte
5.    Shelley
6.    Dave
7.    Simon D
8.    Anna
9.    Dan
10.   James
11.   Liz
12.   Paul S
13.   Simon J
14.   Steve
15.   Paul W
16.   Simon W

All images found on Google. No offense or copyright infringement intended. Images can be removed if requested by originator.

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