Monday, 12 August 2013

900 million seconds in the studio

I started working at Idealogy almost 14 years ago and in that time I'd always worked in 'the studio', which is the largest floor in the building and situated the basement. That's over 25000 hours of creating, designing, artworking, building and programming. Over 25000 hours of deadlines, budgets, admin, telephone calls and emails. Over 25000 hours of frustration, delight, inspiration and satisfaction. Not forgetting Over 25000 hours of crying with laughter and losing my marbles.

In that time I'd moved desk many times; as people moved floors, left, new people joined and the studio went through its various incarnations. I must have sat at every desk position it was possible to have.

Recently as part of our Best Practice Initiative, driven by the Change Team, myself and my two other colleagues in the Digital Dept moved to the 1st floor to enable us to work more closely with the Design Team.

Strange then that I didn't automatically walk down the stairs to the basement ( as I had done all those previous times ) on that first morning of working on our new floor and also strange that it feels as if I never worked in the basement at all!

The plan is going well - with less barriers to communication and an easier way to bounce ideas around and discuss technical and design issues the company as whole is going to benefit from a more efficient and integrated workflow.

…and my altitude sickness, caused by working two floors higher is starting to settle down now too.

Paul S

All images found on Google. No offense or copyright infringement intended. Images can be removed if requested by originator.

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