Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Simple launches Global websites – yes that’s plural!

I’ve been involved in many global web launches over the years, but none quite as ‘all consuming’ as the launch of Simple for Unilever. The project that started in July 2012, finally launching in July 2013, with the rollout the US site. This site being the last of the initial six (UK, US, AUS, NZ, CA x2) with lots more sites planned globally.

There’s nothing like working on a UK site, alongside USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, to stretch yourself across every time zone and to keep your inbox consistently full!

So, what was different I hear you ask? Not much would be my response; Idealogy took the lead on the global plan alongside the client and technical partner, which is not an unusual scenario for us. We moved from concept through to creative, wireframes to workshops, and finally, templates to technical documents - all the usual stuff we eat up daily.

So why the blog then, if it’s all so easy? Another fair question. Well, there are two reasons.

One, we’d be mad not to showcase such a successful global rollout! Second, well we’re pretty damn proud of the end product. So with that in mind, and considering it took 12 months of our lives, I’ve listed 12 interesting (or not) facts from the project.

  1. We’ve learnt a huge amount on the Tridion CMS – both good and bad!
  2. One person worked in one master spreadsheet for 4 months! That’s a lot of data.
  3. Some amazing concepts were created for the Simple® Sense tool. Sadly, only a fraction were selected to be used.
  4. When, at the last minute, we needed some sultry summer background images, one unexpectedly sunny day in October allowed us to get the shots we needed.
  5. There are more combinations of outcomes for the Simple® Sense tool than people on the planet! We had fun testing that!
  6. We lost count of the number of logo versions we produced for Simple® Sense.
  7. Your ‘best laid plans’ don’t always survive client meetings. Compromise is key on a project of this size!
  8. It was an ever changing project. We created 41 versions of the visuals before final sign off! 
  9. At its height we had 10 people working on the project, or roughly half the company! 
  10. External contractors can be very useful given the right guidance.
  11. Never under estimate the importance of good content, both in pictures and words.
  12. I’m proud to say that we have had a fantastic group of hugely talented people working on this, both in our office and with our partners.
Now it’s time to take a breath and head on to the next project. Simples!

Simon J

All images found on Google. No offense or copyright infringement intended. Images can be removed if requested by originator.

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