August has been a busy month in the garden - with most of the beans, courgettes and tomatoes needing constant picking, with enough overflow to also feed half the office.
Now with Autumn here, so are the spiders webs. This morning they were highlighted by the morning mist. This one is hanging in what's left of the plum tree.
Trying to
"Be more dog", inspired by the O2 commercial (see & also play the game), I dug out the potatoes by hand, to make sure I don't damage any, they should see us through until Christmas.
Harvey 'the killer', is happily ignoring the above advice. We got him back in May from a rescue centre and he's proving to be an accomplished hunter. The current count: birds (13), voles (5) mice (3), rat (1) and moles (3). So, sadly, we’ve had no choice but to stop feeding the birds, which is a great shame. However we seem to have a few other visitors enjoying the garden spoils. The drunken wasps are busy eating all the pears in the garden leaving just a few fallers for one brave blackbird!
I'm also currently working on the out-building roof, which needed some running repairs, well, more of a rebuild after trees and the old wisteria had damaged one end.
Finally, a couple of surprising finds. Firstly the pumpkins, already turning orange and an interestingly shaped carrot… cough cough! That’s what’s so great about gardening – you never know what you might find.
The Garden Guru
All images found on Google. No offense or copyright infringement intended. Images can be removed if requested by originator.