Thursday, 26 September 2013

Change is good! (Or a word to the unconverted…)

It’s a bad habit but, sometimes, the only way to make a big point on a big issue is through a big quotation.

So here are a few…

“Instead of making a lot of excuses, make a little progress. Instead of looking back with regret, step forward with conviction”

“You know you’re on the right track when you’re uninterested in looking back”

“Sometimes you just outgrow certain situations. Don't try to fix or repair it, just accept it and move on”

My personal favourite is “If you do not create change, change will create you.”


But why do I need these invocations? Well, because Idealogy is going through massive change, from the bottom up, top down and everywhere else in between. And, as much as I’d like to report otherwise, it’s not proving to be easy!

We seem so resistant to change that, at times, it almost feels like an unconscious reaction. But here’s the thing! Change itself is constant – like it or not! Resist it or avoid it, it will enter your life and there’s no stopping it. And if you are asked to initiate the change yourself, there’s no point in trying to step aside. You’re up to your neck in it!

So why are we so suspicious of change? What if all change is good by default?

As an example, why do people keep short-to-medium term history as a reference point? Why keep looking over your shoulder or think that ‘going back to how things were’ is a way to make progress. It’s change, granted, but is it positive or negative? There are only 2 quantifiable directions – forwards or backwards. Forwards implies bravery, progress, and innovation. Backwards conjures up visions of retreat, exit, failure.

Change is such a simple, pure concept – and it isn’t just business speak. It’s a truth. Change is good. Change is to be different. Change is to transform. Change is to…(you fill in the blanks!).

The genie is out of the bottle at Idealogy and great things are happening throughout the building. New talent, new processes, new ideas, new voices. And like a genie, it’s gathering size and power (Ref. Aladdin)

An old friend of mine used to say, “you’re either on the bus or under it!”

It’s about time everyone bought a ticket.

All images found on Google. No offense or copyright infringement intended. Images can be removed if requested by originator.

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