Consensus – that’s a good word! The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “majority of opinion: general agreement or concord; harmony”. It’s one of Idealogy’s ‘watchwords’. Which is OK if you can get 15 people in a room and everyone puts their hands up when decisions need to be taken. But life’s not like that.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
No pressure then!
One of the reasons this new site has been so long in development is that we have been maxed out with a number of ‘marquee’ sites and user experiences for major B2B and B2C customers – like Simple, Fitness First, Lifetime Awarding, Paperlinx, Millbrook and FastLane. And as with all things, success breeds success.
Fitness First
Lifetime Awarding
Millbrook and FastLane
The WORM has turned out OK!
One of the biggest challenges for our regular communications was to create an accessible character - a 3rd person to become Idealogy’s eyes and ears in the marketplace. We’re very comfortable when it comes to generating content for blogs and social media, but it’s a whole different kettle of fish to dig out the relevant issues that are going to have a profound effect on our entire industry.
The view from the digital front line
You might think that creating the company website would be a dream job for the designers and developers at Idealogy, well that would be what anyone who’d never run an internal company project across the entire company might think. Too many cooks and other such proverbs never held so much truth but then what’s life without a challenge? And at Idealogy we like challenges.
Monday, 22 August 2011
From the Casting Couch to the Mallory Suite – putting a valuable face to METTLER TOLEDO Global Service
All the discussions in the run-up to this mammoth photographic project were about the journey – the journey for METTLER TOLEDO’s Service Personnel and the journey for their global customers as they experience the core principles behind each of the 4 Global Service cornerstone values - Compliance, Expertise, Performance and Uptime.

Darryl Akerman
James Surridge
Mettler Toledo
Steve Barnes
Monday, 15 August 2011
Top marks for new Lifetime Awarding Web site
Lifetime Awarding is part of the Lifetime Training Group. This innovative awarding organisation works with employers, training providers and FE colleges of all shapes and sizes. Their ‘raison d’être’ is the development of off-the-shelf, customised and bespoke vocational qualifications for candidates building their careers in Administration, Management, Childcare, Hospitality & Catering, Customer Service, Sales, Health & Social Care and Active Leisure.
Lifetime Awarding
Richard Sprinks
Shelley Crouch
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Rioters and Photo Albums – no, it’s not a new band. Just 2 stories for the price of one…
In these troubled social and economic times, here’s an efficient use of the bloggers keyboard – a double header!
Walking through the precinct this morning with Richard (one of Idealogy’s evil Digital clones!) we were warmed by the sight of a new Jessops store opening and the juxtaposition of the TV coverage during this violent week - images of this venerable but troubled brand being targeted by feral teen looters wandering the streets of our fair cities. There was something quite uplifting about the ‘old for new’ transition and that business leaders felt that Southampton was a good bet to refresh the fortunes of this trusted High Street name.
Walking through the precinct this morning with Richard (one of Idealogy’s evil Digital clones!) we were warmed by the sight of a new Jessops store opening and the juxtaposition of the TV coverage during this violent week - images of this venerable but troubled brand being targeted by feral teen looters wandering the streets of our fair cities. There was something quite uplifting about the ‘old for new’ transition and that business leaders felt that Southampton was a good bet to refresh the fortunes of this trusted High Street name.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
It's a hacker’s why do we make it SO easy for them.
Like many other developers, I often have to think up new passwords for myself and other users accounts. While I use a Mac dashboard to generate passwords, many people use the weakest link - the good old human memory - for their passwords. In almost all cases, this will create the weakest link in a security chain.
How quick could your account be hacked?
How quick could your account be hacked?
Monday, 1 August 2011
Fit for Purpose
Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how everyone on TV – well certainly the BBC – has become either a) much, much thinner b) found out where they left there cheekbones or c) acquired a robust twin pack of pushy-uppy bra’s in an attempt to achieve a 1960’s figure?
BBC News
BBC Weather
Susannah Reid
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