Thursday, 25 August 2011

Hands up if you all agree!

Consensus – that’s a good word! The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “majority of opinion: general agreement or concord; harmony”. It’s one of Idealogy’s ‘watchwords’. Which is OK if you can get 15 people in a room and everyone puts their hands up when decisions need to be taken. But life’s not like that.

One mans content is another man’s discontent. So, with the huge amount of widely differing content required for the new site, we set up a 3–man team, charged with engaging everyone in the business and getting as much (or as little) of their views and opinions down on paper. We had to create Customer stories. We had to generate and get approval for client testimonials. We had to write about things that we either knew very little about, or the people that should know had, frankly, forgotten. We had to integrate 23 years of company history and keep it fresh and interesting.

That was the challenge, and the internal consensus is that, largely, we’ve achieved that. But now comes the important part – your view! That’s when you’ll see the hands going down and people slipping quietly out of the room – “I wouldn’t have written it like that….”

Posted by Idealogy

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