Thursday 1 December 2011

An Idealogy Christmas in 3 parts...(or 3 bah humbugs and 2 Hail Marys)


Sitting here at the denouement of November, writing this 3 part set-up for how Christmas has changed over the years, I can’t help thinking that, just possibly, I am contributing to the condition of Christmas Creep – ‘if you’re not the solution you’re part of the problem!’ to paraphrase many awful movie scripts.

But it is undeniable that Christmas Creep is a real phenomenon. So, before I explore the subject, here is the Urban Dictionary definition. A phenomenon where the Christmas season starts earlier and earlier each year. ”If they don't keep the Christmas creep under control, the season will start in June before we know it.”

The signs are there if we want to look for them – spotting the first Christmas TV advert in early November. The German Christmas Market now appearing in over 150 of our precincts, 2-3 weeks earlier than the previous year. The ‘end of season sales’ suddenly becoming a series of ‘seasonal sales’ from the end of October through to early January. This year we even had the trailers for the Christmas movie – ‘Arthur Christmas’ – airing in the summer. And what about the social ‘one-up-man ship’ of when you receive your first Christmas card? You have to wonder if there is enough goodwill to go round?

So, lets get down to brass tacks! What is causing this extension of Festive Season bonhomie?

It could be the UK trying to align itself with the US holiday season, an increasingly protracted social orgy that extends from Halloween at the end of October, includes Thanksgiving, Christmas and goes all the way through to New Years Eve? And who doesn’t like a long holiday?

Or is it the current financial climate (that old chestnut!), demanding that major retailers provide consumers with a way to extend their Christmas spending? Encourage them to purchase across a longer period so they don’t feel the pain. Or, at least, until the deferred statements arrive!

But, like it or not, Christmas Creep is very real and it’s here to stay – and we must be on our guard! Because the moment that I hear people discussing their Christmas plans in July, I’m off.

But the next question is “where to?” This is not just a UK and US malaise. Nor is it confined to the Northern Hemisphere. In Australia, shops have been known to have their Christmas merchandise available as early as late September. Why? Because they don’t celebrate Halloween in the Antipodes.

So there you have it. Proof, if required, that Christmas Creep is undoubtedly a merchandising phenomenon - the evil retailers taking every opportunity to relieve us of our precious coinage.

The sad thing is that we fall for it every year – bah humbug! (No. 1)

Posted by Idealogy

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